Sunday, 10 March 2013

Now entering the heart of the matter. If 2013 is synonymous with large size, it rhymes with 1080p Full HD. We would not have believed there not even a year, while the first 720p screens came out of the shadows, yet here done, there is now a plethora of devices with screens as well defined as your TV . And about ten times smaller.On the technical side, we have a 5-inch TFT screen set at 1920 x 1080 pixels. To give you an idea, a 2 or a Galaxy Note Galaxy S3 has "only" 1280 x 720 pixel display, a diagonal screen somewhat similar. This brings us to a rate of 441 pixels per inch, which is pretty huge, we agree. Pixel hunting is more news on the high-end smartphones this year. To this adds his famous Sony Mobile Bravia Engine 2, supposed to calibrate the smartphone screen based activity and brightness. We have not seen a big difference by checking or unchecking the box in the settings ... but it is not the most important.

 Sony Xperia Z écran
 Sony Xperia Z écran
 Sony Xperia Z écran
 Sony Xperia Z écran
 Sony Xperia Z écran
 Sony Xperia Z

No, the most important thing is the screen itself. By turning for the first time, we remain divided on this slab, for a simple reason: our eyes accustomed to expect AMOLED sharp contrasts and deep blacks. Here, this is not the case, the contrast is very light and tends inexorably toward a very dark gray that we have not managed to fix by playing with the settings. However, this first impression is to the account of the comparison with the competition, once past this detail, it gets a slap daily and soon forget this slight lack of contrast. All mobile usage are sublimated by this Xperia Z, Internet browsing to photography through video playback or surfing the social networks. Each use takes advantage of one or the other characteristics of this screen.Generally, you will greatly appreciate the ultra thin fonts, really pleasing to the eye. One has the impression of facing a printed text or a stroke of the pen more than one screen. Surf the Internet has never been as much fun as this unit. Long sections read very well, being particularly paragraphs net even with a very low zoom level. Side of the photo and the video is colorimetry praise that can be very loyal, not to saturate any color. The AMOLED tends to turn blue, the TFT Xperia Z has virtually no fault outside its shallow black. In addition, given the size of the screen, browse your photos is a real treat on this smartphone that can befriend photographers seeking a way to quickly share photos taken out and about with their SLR.


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