Sunday, 10 March 2013

Generation after 2011 among the fastest on the market in 2012 and a generation that made us eat our carpet heaviness and slowness display, Sony has finally found the path of reason. Well, not completely. If a quadruple heart processor and 2 GB of RAM, this poses no problem to display smartphone applications and twirl to the menus, amazingly it is still not perfect.How, in 2013, with a similar configuration can be tolerated on a smartphone microlags of € 650 on some functions? Multitasking, for example, will always appear in two, hanging in the middle. It is an unpleasant! It is unclear when Sony will include the software is infinitely more important than the material for the general public and requires that this part is perfect. Not good, not great, perfect. Opposite, a Samsung or Apple does not tolerate lag. And this time the excuse is no longer tenable Android: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is a fully optimized system.That being said, we're disappointed only with respect to our expectations for a model as muscular. In practice, these lags will not interfere with daily use you will make of your smartphone, especially if you spend a lot of time on applications. In practice, we greatly appreciated the device and use its responsiveness has been challenged only in specific cases.Side web browsing, Chrome takes the place of proprietary browser and so much more. The machine is swift and powerful, with its system of tabs and its synchronization with the browser of your computer. With a few clicks, you will find all your favorites: royal. In itself, the navigation is perfect, second to reach any conventional site, less than three seconds for heavy sites. We like to use the Xperia Z in the living room instead of a tablet, the definition helps a lot. In short, it is a success.

 Sony Xperia Z applications
 Sony Xperia Z Maj

GPS side, we have nothing to complain about either. The grip is very fast, no more than three seconds on the clock, and Smartphone follows you without any problems, even when you go fast on the highway, for example. GPS battery level is very greedy, which is why we recommend that you invest in a kit-car, allowing you to maintain the charge of your smartphone in the car. Beyond that, Maps royally always comes to tell you your itinerary and also to guide you. It asks nothing more.


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