Monday, 11 March 2013

You might think a brief written in 2006 or 2007, dealing with the future Apple product that no one knows anything yet. However, this time it's in retrospect that we can see what the site looked like on the smartphone pommesque.

And this is not really what we imagined. Apparently, in the minds of the designers of the time, the iPhone was not even a telephone. We would rather close an iPad Mini, but it is still well away from this machine too. The device is more like a mini computer touch as a phone or a tablet, with its enormous components and multiple ports. Moreover, at the time, it was not run MacOS and iOS.

This is what is impressive with this machine: at the time, say around 2005, it was hard to imagine an all-in-one this size turning smoothly operating system complete. You should know that already embarked ARM processor produced by Samsung and running at 233 Mhz. Everything had already been designed at the time to save battery power. Eventually, once miniaturized components and all stuffed into a shell, it should look like a mix between a latest generation iMac, a tablet and a phone. In short, absolutely not what Apple has finally released.

iPhone prototype 
iPhone prototype 2

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