Monday, 11 March 2013

Apple does not hide: the company will make every effort to relocate a maximum production or at least stop Samsung depend on when it comes to competing products. Intel could enter into this plan.
Today, despite all the court cases, Apple is dependent on many suppliers worldwide. Sometimes they are neutral, not pulling revenue from the sale of that component. We thus find companies like ST Microelectronics. At other times, however, the economy becomes political, and Apple is forced to negotiate with the enemy. We know for example that for several generations, Samsung built processors AX Apple and is also a supplier for the famous Retina display.
This means in other words, Apple is dependent upon Samsung, who is also his rival on the market of the commercial product. To overcome this absurd situation, there are not thousands of solutions: we must simply change providers - and find a capable and also cheap, which is probably the most difficult part of the transition. According to a source close to Apple and Intel, the two giants are discussing a possible partnership for years to come.
Intel could then become the processor manufacturer for Apple. This position does not strengthen the Intel brand, since that would be a sub-contracting Apple would command processors and Intel should follow a precise specification and imposed. That said, as reported by the analyst Pat Bekcer Junior is an offer that Intel can not refuse. In a difficult position in the mobile processor, this partnership with electronics giant mobile is a godsend for the firm. Of course, this does nothing for his reputation, but it could be a regular entry money and consistent that would otherwise finance R & D.

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